Prime industrial sites now visible for prospects
Conesville (OH) – This morning, Boiler No. 4, known by power generation industry experts as the Super Critical Boiler, was imploded at the former AEP Conesville Power Plant by the Frontier Group of Companies (FGC). Standing at 245 feet high, the Super Critical Boiler was one of six boilers at the former 2,085-megawatt power generation facility, where coal was burned to produce steam.
Approximately one year ago, three towering concrete stacks, the most visual reminders of Conesville’s defunct coal-fired power plant, came down, marking the first step in creating prime space for the development of the new Conesville Industrial Park (formerly the AEP Conesville Power Plant).
“Boiler No. 4 dominated the landscape of this 80-plus acre building pad in our planned industrial park,” David Franjoine, CEO, Frontier Group of Companies (FGC) said. “Although a common implosion for our company, this drop was a significant milestone for us as our 2,500 acre mega-site comes into perspective.”
FGC has been working closely with local and state officials to recruit industries to the Conesville Industrial Park. Industry prospects have been visiting regularly to consider the site for a variety of business and manufacturing uses.
“Large industrial sites, with heavy power capacity, are scarce throughout the region,” Tiffany Swigert, Coshocton County Port Authority Executive Director said. “Our strategy has been to collaborate with the Frontier Group of Companies to create build-ready pads to quickly respond to a prospect needing rail, large amounts of water, or heavy power.”
The former Conesville Power Plant produced electricity by burning coal in a boiler to produce steam. The steam produced, under tremendous pressure, turned the turbines, which created electricity. This former plant had six boilers. Boilers 1, 2, and 3 remain.
Boiler No. 4, which had the largest steam capacity, generated six million pounds of steam an hour. Boilers 5 and 6, much smaller than Boiler No. 4, only generated 3.2 million pounds of steam per hour. These two boilers were removed in December 2021.
Founded in 2001, the Frontier Group of Companies brings together strategically aligned businesses with expertise and capabilities in the area of large-scale industrial and commercial facility reuse, repurposing and redevelopment. The companies of the Frontier Group include industry leading operations for industrial demolition, industrial dismantling, asset recovery, equipment repurposing, industrial clean-up, site remediation, brownfield redevelopment, facility acquisition, real estate development, energy exploration, energy production, and materials recycling.